
History & Philosophy

2015 - 2022

our History

In 2015, with funding from Michigan’s State Innovation Model (SIM), the Washtenaw Health Initiative partnered with a dozen different agencies in Washtenaw and Livingston Counties to build a program to care for residents with very significant health needs. In 2020, the regional collaborative was renamed MI Community Care (MiCC) and other innovations were introduced, including efforts to refine the care coordination model, to improve the local and state health care system, and to scale up the work. 

we believe

our Philosophy

Lived experience.

MiCC believes it is vitally important that individuals with lived experience engage in all levels of the work—from care coordination through governance, planning, and ongoing operations.

Dignity and compassion.

MiCC meets individuals where they are; works with them to develop shared goals for their social, behavioral, and health needs; and ensures that participant needs are treated with dignity and compassion by their care teams.

Information technology.

Health information technology is critical to the work of MiCC. It allows care coordinators to talk to one another securely about the needs of shared clients, to make referrals for support, and to get updates about referral outcomes.

Equitable outcomes.

Health equity in at the core of the MiCC regional collaborative. We believe all individuals should benefit equitably from the program and we collect race and ethnicity data about participants to ensure equitable outcomes.

Collective impact.

MiCC uses a collective impact model to ensure that partners advance their shared values and objectives. This improves health outcomes for participants and the community, allowing partners to have a greater impact.

No wrong door.

We work to provide "no wrong door" access to care for our participants. This means participants won't have to bounce back and forth between organizations or struggle to navigate a complicated and often disjointed system of care.